Reporting off topic posts?

Is there a way to flag a post as “off topic” without polluting the thread itself?

nevermind - found it

We’re still kind of figuring out the moderation stuff, fortunately there haven’t been any egregiously off-topic or inflammatory posts yet, or none that I’ve noticed.

For those of you who haven’t found it yet, if you click on the 3 dots next to ‘reply’ below a post, there’s a flag icon to report that post to the forum staff, as well as an icon to bookmark that post.

As I told another member, the new forums are mostly just different, not necessarily better or worse. We have implemented a few things, such as ‘like’ and ‘thumbs down’ icons, that we think will be useful and possibly cut down on ‘me too’ posts.

Also, to get to your preferences page, click on the icon in the upper right hand corner, most likely a big colored circle with the first letter of your username in it, unless you’ve uploaded a profile picture or have a gravitatar on file, then click on the ‘profile’ icon at the bottom of the pop-up list. There are quite a few things you can change to customize your Discourse settings.