You paid to watch the video. Unless ICC’s TOC specifies HOW you watch the video (MUST be connected to the internet etc etc), what stops you from using a video ripping program to save the video onto your hard drive for personal viewing?
gold account members of (as of 7-1-13) may receive a one year subscription to is increasing subscription costs for new subscribers on june 1,2013
increases range from 75.95% to 133.55%
CM has received $761 of $5000 for site improvements
I bought an ICC membership. So far it kicks and FICS in the face for member decorum. I am yet to encounter nasty comments on ICC. On it’s an hourly occurrence and is quite annoying.
The account that I use to play chess on ICC is set up to block all communication except from folks on my notify list (i.e. my friends) and whatever channels that I choose to enter (in my case, none). The magic command is /set busy 3. Voila!
Michael Aigner
Use coupon : teamplay at and get 10% off any membership plan.
Expiration date unknown.
Speaking of paid-this site is worth about $45K now has 3 recurring subscription plans 1. $14.95/3months 2. $39.95/yr 3. $119.95/4yrs is/was offering a 1 month free membership
Parts of
Dinos to the Slav: Silman on Apple Apps By IM Jeremy Silman
might be of interest.
It’s been covered before. If I recall, for people coming back to chess, then might be your best choice. Seems like they have a wider spread of lower level players and tournaments that are level appropriate if your not 1600+ USCF.
That being said, its also been mentioned that you probably do NOT need their highest level premium subscription, unless you really plan on using it a lot for learning, but then again, for some of the stuff, you could just go out and buy the software and dispense from being nickeled and dimed over the months. (Since of the premium membership gives you access to software you could just buy outright).
I tooled around I personally wasn’t all that impressed with it. But that’s not to say its not a fine website, just didn’t offer what I was looking for.
ICC (Internet Chess Club) is most likely the worst choice. It has less to offer, as far as tutorials and stuff compared to, and if your not 1600+ rated player, you might find yourself at the rock bottom of ratings in even a supposedly low level tournament. Plus in my opinion, compared to, its overpriced if your just comparing how much your getting for your hard earned dollars. That being said, if your 1600+ ICC might be a very fine choice.
A decent review. If you’re 1600 OTB or more, go ICC (and The videos kick to the ground, and the groundless trash talking is degrees of magnitude between ICC and (the .com site has a ton of free and unreviewed accounts who choose to talk lots of trash). has been less than interesting so far, but that might change given the marketing inroads they have made in the past few months.
Speaking of… … dream-job/
Maybe the CEO of is related to Charlie Ergen.
FIDE is offering live chess. Research FIDE Online Arena for more info. Good luck.