2 videos on TD/Affiliate

The 80/20 TD YouTube video list grew by a factor of 2 over the weekend. I posted one video on how to sign up to gain access to the TD/Affiliate area on the USCF web site. The second video shows how to use some of the more common Affiliate tools.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBSXdznni9w (sign up)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgAERMHpqSU&feature=related (tools)

Or, just go to my site where the free USCF Basics videos (along with free “how to” WinTD and SwissSys videos) are a bit more organized. http://the80-20td.com/

Nice screencasts Tim.

Maybe it would be good if the USCF web page had a link to these YouTube videos?
