2013 Washington State Elementary Championship

The event is April 20, 2013. Note the sponsors listed on the facebook page. Since I live in the Vancouver area I have already over the last several years supported two of the sponsors, Hannah and Burgerville. The tournament usually draws over 1000 players and is held every year in a different part of the state of Washington. 2014 it is set for Seattle and Spokane has a bid in for 2015.

Too bad it’s not USCF rated!

969 names on the registration list but some of them are coaches. April 14 was the last day to register. Not sure if there might be more players who mailed in their registration and did not use the online sign up. I will be there Friday to help setup up the playing sites.

Rusty, most people on here probably don’t know what Burgerville is as it’s a local restaurant.

Yeh, I’m sure it’s a vegetarian establishment.

Bill Smythe

Shouldn’t this advertisement for a tournament be paid for? It is a non-rated event. No TLA. And yet it is getting free advertising here. Not fair to other organizers who have to pay for their ads in Chess Life or through having a TLA in the tournament section.

Doesn’t the definition of this forum section say that “including reports about local or regional events” is appropriate?

I made the post to show there are chess events in Washington. Also the main point was to show some chess event sponsorship. It was not like that I put the full details of the event and took up a lot of space. I will be at the event handing out free copies of NORTHWEST CHESS and maybe some old issues of CHESS LIFE.

The Washington State Middle School Championship (K-8) is on the same day and at the same location and the Open section is USCF rated and will determine the Barber representative from Washington! nwchess.com/OnlineRegistration/r … mentid=105

Photos from first day of the event.

http://playingfortheking.com/2013State/ Standings for the event. About 948 players in the K-6 sections.