A New way of Displaying Ratings

The forums are a ‘canned’ software package, with very few modifications to it. Adding a chess viewer would be a significant amount of programming, if it is even possible.

Those who are at their rating floors can play the games over in their heads, with no need for a viewer. Superior Chess Understanding does it for you.


For those of us not on our floor: link here.

Maybe you have a superior chess understanding but a quick look at your rating clearly indicates to me that you are in fact NOT at your rating floor. In fact you are about 80 points above it. Are you indicating that you don’t think it’s necessary to have a chess viewer on a chess forum?

I suppose you’re right, why should the rest of us look at the game when you can merely play it through in your head and tell us the gist of what happened.

As a person with a development background; I firmly believe its possible(please note this is not me volunteering to do it :sunglasses:). You’re probably correct about the canned package though.

As an engineer I thoroughly believe it would be possible to turn a submarine into a jet airplane, but not without an incredible amount of work.

hahaha :smiley:. touche sir, touche.

“If you will it; it is no dream” - Theodore Hertzl

I still have to use viewer now, but I’m holding out for when I hit my floor, that the Understanding will kick in. I will then be able to just look at a game score and pronounce things like: That’s what you get from playing the French.

OK, so I was mildly hyperbolic. What do you want me to do, call my friends on their rating floors senile idiots? :wink:

This would in turn imply that I frequently lose to senile idiots…

I was just trying desperately to connect the game viewer tangent back to the topic of this thread. Your post gave me an idea to tie it to the rating floors. I have great respect for all chess-players, no matter their rating, gender, or age.

And, for any player who lacks the proper respect for any of these groups, I highly recommend playing in a few events where a lot of them are playing. (I’ll be doing that this morning and tomorrow.)

I’ve lost to enough of the under-15, under-1500 crowd (both genders) to have honed in me whatever proper respect I may have been missing, if any.

Bill Smythe