A thread that should not have been locked

I do not now, nor have I ever, entertain(ed) the desire to moderate this forum. Furthermore, I disavow any notions that I wish to see Mike Nolan removed as moderator.

Folks, please don’t let this spread to the point to where “Terry Winchester is trying to unseat Mike Nolan (or anyone else)”. Actually, my interest in chess has been falling of late, but I thought I might log in and see if I could get the fire lit again. As of now, I’m not sure where that stands.

Terry Winchester
Evansville, Indiana

Don’t feel bad Terry, my interest with chess, both state wide and nationally has fallen as well. It seems like I waste too much time on a stupid game, with a bunch of stupid people, a couple of which have recently and historically frequented this board.

Just like anything in life, you’re not going to please everyone and you’re bound to piss someone off, even with your best intentions.

It’s nice to log on here and see what’s going on, but it looks like we’ve got another crazy that frequents the board. I’m all for quitting chess and starting a poker career.

Now, now, guys, this whole thread is starting to sound like an excuse to kill time by people who have too much of it on their hands.

That is painfully obvious in all the hand-wringing that has followed RagingHell’s brainless swipe at Mike several posts back. I would have thought that gratuitious attack merited just a single tell-him-off reply (like I made), and then everyone would move on.

This is after all the Forum section devoted to TOURNAMENT DIRECTION: where all you TDs are supposed to be sharing your expertise so that we patzers will ultimately benefit from better-designed pairings, more-honest tournaments, and the like. I didn’t realize this part of the Forum was meant to serve as an online support group for a dysfunctional family.

So I’ll say what I said on another Forum thread that had devolved into extended and highly detailed debates about Sam Sloan’s sexuality: forget about RagingHell, forget about Mike’s competence to serve as blogmeister (RagingHell was the only one who questioned it, and he posed that “question” so stupidly and offensively that it basically answered itself), and MOVE ON.

Locking or deleting THIS thread might be a good start.

I’m ALL-IN!! :smiley: