May I suggest that members of this forum describe themselves a little in their signature file like I do? That way we could all judge for ourselves how valid the answers to our queries are. If I know I’m talking to a TDCC member, or an officer of the USCF or an experienced TD, I’d feel more confident in the replies I’m getting here. Unfortunately, it seems that we’ve been getting a bit of missinformation in these forums and I don’t think that was the intent behind creating them!
For instance, here’s some info you could include:
Are you a USCF Member?
Are you an active Tournament Player?
Do you have an Estabished Rating?
Are you a Chess Coach?
Are you a Certified TD?
If you are a TD, what Rank have you attained?
Are you an Official with the USCF?
If you are an Official, what is your title?
Just my 2 cents!