August Supplement Discrepancies?

Has anyone noticed any discrepancies in the August Golden Rating Supplement?


    is listed in the USCF August Rating Supplement as 1740

    is listed in the USCF August Rating Supplement as 193

    I’m concerned that there might be more of these.

Those players are listed with their correct (higher) August rating in the pdf version of the rating supplement at TD/A. Interesting.

For 10217598 SILVERMAN,STUART, in the Blitz Golden his expiration is 7/31/2014, but in the Quick Golden it is 7/31/2013.

I’m guessing there was some small gap in the preparation of the two files on 7/22/13, during which he renewed.

Since the ‘last change’ date on Silverman is 7/22, it seems likely that he renewed in between when the two files were created.

Steve, what’s the timestamp and size of the ZIP file you downloaded?

These are correct in my downloaded files. I downloaded on 7/26 at 8:20pm. The TARATSUP.DB file was created at 7/22/13 at 5:57pm.
Is listed in the USCF downloaded August supplement as 1502.

In my version he has the correct rating of 1605. All of the ones you noticed have their July ratings instead of August. Maybe you have the July Golden database?