Benko? vs Benoni

This is directed mostly at online play…

But anybody ever have an opponent resign after you decline the Benko gambit and play the Benoni instead?


  1. d4 c5
  2. dxc5
    even considered the Benko gambit?

For those not in the know, you can abort or resign a game and if you only play 1 move the game won’t be counted for rating purposes.

I’d like to mention it’s much more likely to happen to me if it’s an unrated game, so not really sure the logic of the opponent other than they might have a psychological need to play either play an open gambit or avoid a game that can has the potential to become rather stuffy closed.

In any event, back in my college day’s there was one student player who just about lived to see his opponent take his c5 pawn. Didn’t take long for the regulars to decide to learn the Benoni.

I’m sure taking his c5 pawn is playable, but you’d have to know the best line for several moves at least.
Of course that was long before databases with millions of games and chess engines that play in the stratosphere.

I remember when I bought Chessmaster 2100 for my Amiga and was astounded that it could calculate ~50,000 moves a second.

On PlayChess, when a game ends before “x” half moves have been played, the game doesn’t get rated. So, e.g., after 1 e4 Nf6, your opponent doesn’t want to play against Alekhine’s Defense, he can simply resign. Or maybe he only wants to play against the Sicilian. Or…

I’ve run into this a few times. It’s a bit irritating.

That’s what so strange about it: so far it’s only happened in unrated games. /weird