A game is won by the player:
7d.) Who after an illegal move is completed by the opponent, then takes the king (if the king is
in check) or claims the win and stops the clock, before the player determines a move and
provided the player has sufficient mating material as defined in rule 7c.
14.) A player who has played an illegal move must retract it and make a legal move with the
piece touched prior to pressing the clock. If no legal move exists with that piece then he may
make any legal move. Illegal moves unnoticed by both players cannot be corrected afterwards.
An illegal move is completed when the player presses the clock, whereupon the opponent may
claim a win.
TD TIP: Illegal moves for any reason lose instantly if claimed correctly. The one minute penalty
does not apply to illegal moves. The standard penalty of one minute applies to other Blitz rules
so, without the comma and parentheses… A game is won by the player who after an illegal move is completed by the opponent claims the win and stops the clock.
Am I reading that right, “he made an illegal move, I win”?
and then . . . .
A player who has played an illegal move must retract it and make a legal move with the
piece touched prior to pressing the clock.
So is this saying that I have a choice, claim the win or force a new move?
7d talks about an illegal move claim AFTER punching the clock while 14 talks about an illegal move identified BEFORE punching the clock.
Only a completed illegal move can be used to claim a win, and in regular, quick and blitz an illegal move is not completed until the clock is punched (which is the same as for a legal move). For that matter, an illegal move is not even determined until the clock is hit, while a legal move is generally determined when the piece is released (sometimes a bit earlier when an opponent’s capturable piece is deliberately touched).
Yes, If your opponent makes an illegal move and then punches the clock, stop the clock and claim a win
And, no one can be forced to make an illegal move. If you make the claim of a illegal move before your opponent punches their clock, they can take back the illegal move with touch move rules in force. If there is no move possible with, e.g. a pinned piece, they can make a new move with a new piece.
If you attempt to make any claims before your opponent completes the illegal move (punching the clock), it isn’t your move so you can’t make any claims.
However, if your opponent makes an illegal move and you DONT want to claim it, you DON’T want to win the game, you can continue to play on, but why are you playing at all then?