channel for reporting misbehaviors

Is there a channel/process in place so we can report misbehaviors of some TDs?

The official process is to send your concern/complaint with what you feel is a fair solution to the problem to USCF with a $25 good faith check. The $25 gets returned if the concern/complaint is not silly (silly might be to complain about legal pairings you don’t happen to like). The office will process your complaint and send all the info it collected to the TDCC for processing. It all takes a lot of time.

I believe before this system was developed way too many minor complaints about TDs and Rules were received by the USCF-TDCC-Rules Committee.

I suppose one could post (without using the TDs name or details to identify the TD/Event) on this forum and ask how the TD could have improved their actions.

Example Post: Hey, I observed a TD allow spectators to call the flag in a game at time control. Is that right?

Then the poster could find a way to pass the responses along to the TD (snail mail?).


Tim, here’s a good issue for you. :slight_smile:

If based on posts here it is clear that a TD, by his or her own admission, is not following USCF procedures properly, is that something that should be dealt with?


Yep! The challange is that the only official road to Rome is that “$25 file a complaint path.” It is a long path.

The unofficial path in the “forum” might lead to the TDCC’s (or the orginal poster’s) unofficial contact with the TD. The goal of unofficial contact would be to re-educate the TD, not punish them. As such, I suspect simply having the TD read the posts on this forum (even if they are snail mailed to the TD) would be fairly effective.


This is not quite as easy as it seems. Suppose that a TD wants to use a pairing system of 1-2 3-4 5-6 and so on for each score group. Rules 26a and 26b allow for variations to standard rules. There has been debate over what is sufficiently major to require notice. Also note that variations that effect ratings such as time differentials would distort the rating system and cannot be used. I checked with Ken Sloan of the USCF ratings committee, and he feels that Fischer Random Chess should not be rated.

Regards, Ernie