Chess Coaching Softwares


Can anyone guide me for chess coaching softwares to improve my game? I have provisional rating around 1600 but I am targetting to earn 2000. Also, I am seeking guidance for the roadpath to earn high rating in particular time-frame.


Well I think it’s a step by step process. The rating is just a reflection of your performance, or alternatively a predictor for your future performance that is calculated from existing results. So the better you do, the higher your rating will go. I would focus less on ratings than you seem to; there is no formula for “playing like a 2000” and if there were, you should try to play the very best moves instead. 2000 players and 2200 players make a lot of mistakes, that is why they are not 2600 and 2800 players.

Unless you’re the world’s best endgame player among 1600’s, you should put a lot of effort there. That will benefit your positional play earlier in the game (trust me) and probably even tactics. You should also do tactical training and, imho, practice blitz chess. You also need a solid set of openings and should study many GM games, understanding them deeply including especially all the tactics.

You should also play in open sections where you will encounter strong opponents.

If you really do that stuff right, 2000 will be well behind you in the rear view mirror.

Google out for Total Chess Training I from Convecta.

It is a collection of 5 programs and include Tactics Training (CT Art 3.0), Middlegame Strategy and Endgames.