If you’re looking for ratings calculators, you can find USCF’s new calculator at:
It has a listed link to the old calculator at:
But that bombs out for me saying I have to be a USCF member to see it - even though I’m logged in. I thought that might be because my PIN just changed with renewing my membership, but that didn’t seem to do the trick.
If you wanted to use the FIDE system, try ratings.fide.com/calculator_rtd.phtml .
All of the below is not based on experience, just personal opinion.
Me, given my druthers, I’d use USCF ratings as initial seeds, and club rate any game two club members agree is a rated game beforehand - at whatever time controls the club allows for club rated games. And possibly play with a TD present, depending. (Or you could strictly run it intramural ladder nights only ,which would make it easier on the calculator!
Perhaps that’s an issue for the membership to decide. 
At any rate, MVVVVVHO is that such systems should be run as closed - no rating games outside the club ranking system played between club players, aside from the initial USCF club rating. How to handle players new to the club, and unrated players, is a different kettle of fish. And also how to handle rated tourneys sponsored by the club when outside players come and play. So I might be wrong.
I wonder if such a system, given enough times and games, wouldn’t roll down higher rated players / roll up lower rated players, until the system reflects an accurate ladder ranking.
Cool topic, though!