Congrats to...

Tom Langland and David Kuhns for achieving their FIDE Arbiter titles and Daniel Naroditsky for achieving his International Master title!

I would like to thank Sevan for making mine and David’s titles possible.

There has been a LOT of discussion over in the USCF Issues area about how tough it is to get/keep a USCF Club TD title.

Well, that is nothing compared to the loops FIDE now has put together to become an FIDE Arbiter! You now have to attend a seminar (normally in-person), taught by one of the few official FIDE Arbiter Lecturers, of which there are only 42 in the entire world and only one is from the US!! Only after attending the seminar can you then attempt to pass the test. Sevan managed to put together the First Arbiters Seminar available over the internet, and it was actually taught by the Chairman of the FIDE Arbiters Commission!! It was a privilege to be part of that experience, and I was glad I was able to hold up my commitment to fulfill the rest of the requirements for the FIDE Arbiter Title.
