Crosstable text file format

I’ve been poking around these forums and the USCF site in general looking for the format of the crosstable text files you upload along with the dbase3 files. Can someone point me in the right direction?


I think that pretty much anything that shows the players and results in the original pairing order would work, but please don’t hold me to it.

Alex Relyea

SwissSys exports a tab-separated text file. The players are supposed to be in pair-number order, and the ID numbers have to show. I believe the reason for this file is to have a backup if there is something wrong with the dbf files, so they should not be be too sensitive as to to format. However, if a lot of people start creating these by hand, the USCF will probably have to tighten up.

I was wondering if there was a formal format or not, thanks! So as long as the data is present in basically the same format has a crosstable, I should be fine.



I see in the dbase3 file formats that there is only one list of players, and each section indicates which of those players belong to it by pairing number. Does the crosstable text file then have one big crosstable with all players from all sections (which would get kind of strange since the sections don’t have the same number of rounds) listed, individual crosstables with each one starting with a pairing number of 1, or individual crosstables with the pairing numbers matching what is in the dbase3 files?



Since there is only one “textfile upload” field on the rating report page,you must have one file with individual crosstables for each section, with separate pairing numbers. It would be easier to send you a copy than to try to explain this verbally. Are you trying to create these files by hand for a tournament run on paper? This can probably be made to work, but I believe Mike’s intention was that tournaments like that should be entered through the on-line form. If you are using a pairing program, you get all those files free.

The requirement to upload a text version of the crosstable will probably be dropped fairly soon. I think we’ve had occasion to need it a grand total of once since we started accepting submissions online, and that was to help out a TD who couldn’t figure out how to correct a few inconsistent results in his data.

For large events uploading the crosstable text file appears to be the primary source of timeout problems.

Thanks - next up is the scholastic flag. Since this flag goes in the header file, if I have an event with both an open and scholastic sections, should those be treated as separate tournaments? It seems like the only way given the file format.

Also, all this info is going into my free java pairing app, TDX. TDX is done except for this last feature, the ability to create these USCF files.