I’m going to make an attempt to move this discussion out of the discussion on the sample XML file for ratings supplements. It would be nice if that thread could return to being on topic.
A few things.
Not every tournament waits two months before affecting the supplement. Tournaments held and rated just before the cut-off make the supplement that will be official about one month later. Tournaments that have problems getting rated may be held a couple of weeks prior to the cut-off and still not make it, in which case they wait until about 2.5 months before hitting the official rating. I’d guess that 1.5 months is close to the average delay.
Re-rating doesn’t just fix one players rating. It then goes through and fixes the rating of every player that was played after that fix, and their opponents, and their opponents, and their opponents, etc. Because of that re-rating a single game can cascade into thousands of ratings to be corrected. That is one reason re-rating takes a noticeable chunk of time to redo. When a correction is made to a two-year-old tournament that cascades quite a bit. I chose that example because there was an adult player that noticed that he was listed as having played in a scholastic tournament two years earlier. It turned out it was another player with the same first and last name, same state, similar ID number and similar rating. It’s possible that the scholastic player did not remember his ID so his parents printed the (incorrect) MSA page to show that the player was a member.
Prior to office procedure changes and Mike’s work on the rating process, rating tournaments wasn’t merely slow, some people would say it was glacial. Getting a tournament result mailed in the day after the tournament and then getting the tournament rated four months later was considered by many to be pretty good (though more people fantasized that maybe one day things would get faster).
Nowadays I get frustrated when a membership check made out to the USCF takes a week to get to the office and get processed so that those IDs can be created and the tournament rated. Unless you ban membership payments by check there will always be tournaments that take a week or so to get rated (or tournaments rated immediately but with non-members because the checks were not actually sent to the USCF). Some organizers have gone to the extent of requiring a valid USCF membership to even allow a player to register in a tournament, but not everybody has a market that will accept that stance.
If you use old ratings for section assignment and require more current ratings for pairings then there is a significant education effort. Considering how many complaints I’ve heard over the years over what I think are straightforward issues, this would require a lot of lead time. If you do not show the pairing-rating then you will have VERY vocal complaints about obviously inaccurate pairings. If you do show the pairing-rating then you will have EXTREMELY vocal complaints about allowing an ineligible player to play for a class prize.
Discussing this in the forums may bring out some of the issues, but won’t cause any changes. It would require Executive Board action and a Delegate’s Motion to actually get anything changed.