This may sound like a dumb question, and I tried searching through the forum before asking. I am a new club TD, and just want to make sure I do this properly.
If someone fails to show for the start of a tournament, e.g., registration, that is pretty simple, they don’t get registered, and then they are not in the tournament.
But if we started a Swiss tournament, and say all 20 players were present to register, and they have played through round 1. On the start of round 2, player “B” does not show up for the game…
The clocks are started since player “A” is present, per rules like 13D, and 22A, after an hour, or when the clock runs out, player “B” forfeits, gets an F, and “A” gets a win (1).
That part seems to make sense to me. My question is for round 3: Do we pair player B? Or do we suppose that since they did not show up for round 2, that they are done with the tournament? What happens if they show up for round 3? or 4? Do we just pair them late once they show up?
If we pair them, will they just get 3 more rounds of F scores and their opponents all 1?
And if we didn’t pair them, but they show up and we pair them late, because we already did the round 3 pairing, we shouldn’t pair them with the bye recipient, because that would be the lowest rated player? So would we need to redo all the pairing, at least in a ladder pairing, per the rules?
My thought is that I would not pair them until they show up. If they show up after the pairing is done for the next round, but games had not started, I would repair it, but if the games had started, I would ask them to wait for the next round entirely. Is that correct?
Thanks for taking the time to walk me through this. I am going to be doing some smaller scholastic events ( about 20 students each) in two months, and I want to make sure I get it right.