Does a player have recourse for a tournament not rated?

What recourse (if any) does a player have if it has been a couple of months since a tournament happened and it still hasn’t been rated? Hypothetically speaking, let’s just say that the TD won’t return phone calls or emails, and the Affliate is pointing fingers back to the TD.

Well, players can file a complaint with the USCF ($25 refundable if the complaint is legit and not about silly things). After USCF investigates (the TD/affiliate will get 30 days or so to respond to any complaint that is filed) and they pass their findings along to the TDCC in the case of the
TD. If the TD continues to stonewall he can eventually be suspended as a TD (rule 54). That suspension sees to it that the TD can’t pull this stuff on others; however, it still fails to get the orginal event rated. This process takes some time.

If the affiliate is the guilty party the USCF will probably get the affilaite suspended by the office if they continue to stonewall.

If the event is handed in, a warning is usually issued to the guilty party.

Tim Just
Chair TDCC