FICS Torrent

FICS (Free Internet Chess Server), now has a torrent with 100 million games. Heh.

Not sure what use it is though. I’d say the vast majority of games are under 15 minutes, and a whole lot of average and below average players. But still, thats a lot of games.

-Have no clue where the download link is though.

Thanks for a lot of useful info.

I’m sure one of the FICS moderators would know how to find the torrent. Just ask.

The thread wasn’t so much about how to get the download, but rather an interesting observation about how useful a super large database of FICS games would be, since the vast majority of the games are either by lower rated players, very fast time (10 minutes or less), and I’m sure there are a ton of lightning games. Some of the FICS lightning chess players have racked up 10’s of thousands of games.

Some games are at:

And here’s a discussion regarding cleaning up that data (still in process): … 46&t=30613

It’s not 100M games, it’s just 4.1M, but there’s talk in that thread of a 60Gb file someone is processing.

I’ve looked for the torrent, but haven’t seen any trace of it.

The torrent is here: … 10.torrent

It’s 14Gb with 100,000,000 games.