FIDE rated player

Our club has a new member who is FIDE rated about 2140. He has just joined USCF for the first time and appears as an Unrated player.

When he enters one of our tournaments, how will we handle his rating?

See page 112 in your rulebook.

When he joined USCF did he give his FIDE ID? If so, he won’t be unrated for long.

Alex Relyea

Thank you for responses. I have checked the rule book and have queried USCF as to whether they will make an adjustment to his USCF rating, or whether I should add 100 points to his rating even though his federation is not specifically mentioned.

What federation he is with is not important when using his FIDE rating to decide what rating to use for him in your tournaments until his USCF rating is published.

Did you make sure the USCF has his FIDE ID?

Yes, I gave his FIDE info to USCF and they have added the FIDE rating to his page. From the rule book, it seems I would add only 50 points to his rating to keep him just under 2200 USCF.