FIDE Team Tournaments

At the U.S. Masters, I was talking to a couple of NAs who only had swiss tournaments for their FA title. As many of you know, it requires two different types of tournaments to get your FA title, where a “large swiss” counts different from a swiss. Anyway, we were trying to figure out what the conditions would be for a team tournament to qualify for FA norms. We couldn’t find it in the FIDE handbook.

Alex Relyea

I suggest you contact the people running the Islandic Team Championship this October. The event is listed on the FIDE calendar for next month with links to e-mail and the web site. Maybe they can help you with the information you need.

Larry S. Cohen

More accurately to contact the FIDE Arbiters Commission Chair and ask him rather than ask an organizer who could be doing it incorrectly.

I exchanged emails with Takis and currently only World, Continental, and National team championships can count for an FA or IA norm.

I’ll make a proposal at the next FIDE Congress to review adding other team events to the mix.

Oh yeah - it is kinda in the regulations also (needs to be clarified more) - Article 2.12 - … w=category