The recent ADM proposals put up here for discussion by my collegue from Massachusetts Bob Messenger are all worthy and merit seperate consideration here on this forum, and elsewhere. I wish to rasie a more general subject for our collective discourse, and perhaps for future action.
I propose we investigate formally starting a process to merge the USCF and FIDE rules.
My model for this grand scheme is the cooperation between the Royal and ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews with the US Pro Golfers Association to codify the game of golf. The R&A rules, which covered international play, and the US PGA rules were sufficiently different at one point that a process to merge them was necessary, and eventually completed in the early '50s. They have been jointly published since (though full merging of all rules and standards didn’t actually complete until the year 2000!).
In the past, the argument against a merge was that the US had far differnent tournaments than FIDE. However, with the likes of Gibralter, the Aeroflot Open, the Moscow Open, and even a large open at Wijk Aan Zee (concurrent with the round robins there) the international community could benefit from our vast experience in this area. Likewise, FIDE’s rules are widely used around the world already, and issues regarding the actual playing of the game are well thought out and could benefit us by reducing effort on our end. In the long run, I hope that the huge effort and expense we spend on the USCF rules will be reduced to near zero as FIDE will end up maintaing the rules for all the world (with equal footing and credit to the USCF, just as the PGA gets with the R&A).
Other benefits I see are, of course, consistant rules for players and TDs everywhere. Online publication and free availibility of the rules for all to see and know (I know from experience almost all USCF players don’t buy the rule book and read it, so they don’t know the rules under which they play). And, as I said, reduced effort and expense for the USCF.
I know this process would take years, and be a huge effort to come to fruition, but I feel the outcome would be better for the game worldwide.
I also know there is a large inertial resistance to this idea here in the US, which I understand. All I ask is that you think anew about this issue, and look at it as an opportunity to impart our wisdom from decades of experience putting on large swisses to the international community.
As to what form this proposal would take in the near term, I don’t know. Perhaps an ADM to form an “exploritory committee” to look into it? I’m not a delegate (nor will I serve as one ), so I leave that to others to handle. Has there been any formal effort along these lines in the past?
-Matt Phelps