Foreign WGM

I know that a foreign GM, does not need to have a current USCF membership to play rated games, but I am unsure about whether that was also true for a WGM title. For completeness, what about IM and WIM?

From the TD/A support area FAQ:

We also need to have the player’s FIDE ID in his or her USCF record, of course, otherwise we don’t have any way to check it against FIDE records. There is a membership exception request in TD/A for reporting a FIDE ID to us for a player.

I’ve processed her information to obtain a USCF ID - and included her FIDE information. Does anything else need to be done to make sure her USCF rating is initialized correctly (it is currently marked as unrated) or will that be done automatically when she plays for the first time?

That’s done as part of the ratings program.