
Colorado Springs Chess Newsletter

Game Of The Week

This week’s game comes from a new event in the Colorado Springs area. Jerry Maier holds it at the Air Force Academy on Thursday nights. This tournament is similar to his East Coast Deli tournament, on Wednesday nights, as they both give the players one G90 each night and run one round per week. I decided to stop by last Thursday, as I live close to the Academy and I hadn’t gone on base since 9/11. Every game had finished by the time I got there, but it wasn’t a totally wasted trip as David Meliti gave me his game for this week’s newsletter. He had sent me a couple of games earlier in the week, but in a format that wasn’t easy to use. Who knew chess players used something other than Chessbase to store their games? This is David’s fourth solo appearance in the Game Of The Week:

Chess Ambassador ( … _2008.html)
Maybe DuWayne Was Right? ( … _2008.html)
Badger-Baiting Bill ( … _2008.html)

This is also his opponent’s fourth appearance in the Game Of The Week:

Quick Draw McGraw ( … 26_v1.html)
Wishful Thinking ( … 10_v1.html)
Game Of The Year II ( … 25_v1.html)

Tony Telinbacco hasn’t had the best of luck in print. So far, his best result in the Game Of The Week was the draw against Dean Brown in “Quick Draw McGraw.” Also, he recently made some national news when Shannon Fox beat him in a game chosen by GM Lev Alburt for his Chess Life column ( However, the bad publicity hasn’t diminished Tony’s conviction to chess. He runs a couple of scholastic clubs at the library and has shown a foursquare refusal to yield to the negative media bias.

Foursquare ( … 232009.htm)

(155) Telinbacco,Tony (1813) - Meliti,David (1896) [D02]
July USAFA Chess Colorado Springs (4), 23.07.2009
[Fritz 8 (60s)]

D02: 1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 sidelines, including 2…Nf6 3 g3 and 2…Nf6 3 Bf4
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Bf5 3.e3 last book move 3…e6 4.Bd3 Bg6 5.0-0 Nf6 6.Qe2 c5 7.c3 Nbd7 8.Nbd2 Ne4 9.Bb5 Bd6 10.Nxe4 Bxe4 11.dxc5 Bxf3 12.Qxf3 Bxc5 13.e4 0-0 14.exd5 Ne5 15.Qe4 Qxd5 16.Qxd5 exd5 17.Bf4 Ng6 18.Bd2 a6 19.Ba4 b5 20.Bc2 Rfe8 21.Rfe1 Ne5 22.Be3 Bxe3 23.Rxe3 Nc4 24.Rxe8+ Rxe8 25.b3 Nb6 26.Bd3 Rc8 27.Rc1 d4 28.c4 Nd5 29.Rd1 Nc3 30.Rd2 g6 31.Kf1 f5 32.a3 Kf7 33.f3 Kf6 34.g3 Ke5 35.Kf2 Ne4+?? a transit from better to worse [>=35…bxc4 36.Bxc4 a5-/+ ] 36.Bxe4 fxe4 37.fxe4?? simply marches past the door to victory [>=37.f4+ a shame that White overlooked this excellent chance 37…Kf5 38.Rxd4 bxc4 39.bxc4± (39.Rxc4?! Rd8+/- ) ] 37…Kxe4 38.cxb5 axb5 39.a4? [39.Ke1 Rc1+ 40.Rd1-+ ] 39…d3 40.Ke1 Ke3 41.Kd1 Rf8 42.Kc1 bxa4 43.bxa4 Rc8+ 44.Kd1 Rb8 45.Kc1 Rb1+!! a powerful sacrifice which decides the game 46.Kxb1 Theme: Deflection from d2 46…Kxd2 47.a5 Ke2 48.a6 d2 [48…d2 49.Kc2 d1Q+ 50.Kc3 Qd3+ 51.Kb4 Qxa6-+ ] 0-1

This Week In Chess

On July 21st, the CSCC had 10 members in attendance. The event for the evening was quads. The members were split into groups of four and played each other in a round robin tournament (club-rated G20 or USCF-rated G30). Here are the results:

Score Player


3.0 David Meliti
2.0 Anthea Carson*
1.0 James Powers
0.0 Kevin Kaaoush


3.0 Jeff Fox
2.0 Paul Anderson
1.0 Isaac Martinez
0.0 Jason Feith

  • Substitution for 3rd round: Paul Anderson

Upcoming Events

7/28 Players’ choice, CSCC
7/29 2009 July East Coast Deli Final Rounds, CSCC
7/30 2009 July USAFA Chess Final Rounds, CSCC
8/1-2 Pikes Peak Open, CSCA
8/4 Speed tournament, CSCC
8/5,12,19,26 2009 August East Coast Deli, CSCC

For event details and additional events, see the following websites:

Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC (
Boulder Chess Club: BCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (