First if all, I wrote out a paper on why these new sandbagging rules discriminate and then after an hour1/2 if typing I tried to post it here. But then it said I was not logged in and I lost all that time in typing my case. So now I am steamingly mad!
So now, sense I cannot type 80-words a min., I guess I have to drag this all out an small chats at a time (since the forum logs me out after 10-mins of not posting.
Anyways, the World Open has accused me and other poor Americans of sandbagging. I am not a sandbagger! I have been away from chess for a while and have renewed my membership with the plan of playing the World Open has my first return to chess tournament. I have done nothing wrong, yet, because I haven’t played over 26-games I am not allowed to play the World Open. Or shall we call it the 26-Games and Over Open?
So how long does it take for ethe average player to surpass a 1600 rating? Will it take over 26 game to make it to the under 1400 section? Truth is, the winner of the 1600-to-1100 section will definitely be someone with under 26-games! So the only sandbaggers are the tournament organizers themselves. They are turning Chess into a Casino game by scaming tournament fee money by falsifying a testimony against the tournament player. Sure there are indeed sandbaggers out there. I’v lost to them. But why am I punnished for what some other person did? I am poor and have all I can do just ti show up. I’m not a drug addict or a drunk like the Bush Administration says about me. I lost 2-jobs in a row and was replaced by illegal Mexicans. I Wisconsin you can get fired for nothing because illegals work harder for less money. So I have a right to play Chess at the World Open and I am not a sandbagger!! I was a professional singer from 1994-2002. Afterwards, I did independent research in science, philosophy, ancient history, civil and Canon law, systematic theology, archaeology, and politics. I did this for free but the time invested was well worth it. However, I just got back into Chess after a lot of time away and now I am called bad names like “a sandbagger” in ChessLife magazine. ChessLife should have not printed the adds because they are unAmerican.
So, How is this problem going to be resolved? Can I get a $50 refund for my membership? What can I do to do this? If I cannot write down my move before playing it, can’t use descriptive notation, and play the World Open, I want a refund. Maybe the World open should be called the Local Open, for it will only be locals who make the travel for a chance to win $1000!! For if tournament Chess is going to become a Casino scam I no longer am interested in playing.
Is there anything one want to add to my complaint, or assume about my personality?
You can use descriptive notation if you like. If an Affiliate asks that you have an established rating to play in an under section, that is not calling you a sandbagger.
When I want to type a long message, I compose it using another program, such as Windows Notepad, and then paste it into the Forum editing page.
Your beef is not with the US Chess Federation but with the Continental Chess Association, the organizer of the World Open. Moreover, the ‘sandbagging’ rules you appear to be concerned about are hardly new, even for the World Open.
There are many tournaments in which you would be eligible for ‘under’ sections or prizes, including quite a few of them much closer to you, since you live in Wisconsin.
You have 17 rated games now, but have not played in any rated events since 1992. Play in a few events in the next couple of months and you will have an established rating in time to enter the World Open.
I have an established USCF rating of 1543. But according to these new so-called sandbagging rules I am not allowed to play chess because I have not played over 26-games. And you know the winner of the 1600-1100 sections will be the one with less than 26-games played. So its the tournament who scamming people out of their entry fee money and they found a means to justify it. I am not sandbagging, and I don’t like one bit being called names by the USCF who don’t even know me! I had my heart set on playing the World Open and it was something that gave me energy and the moivation to pratice for. Now I am very upset and am now here complaining about my rights being violated by rich and greedy men who know damn well they will profit off of this scam. So the 26-Games and Over Open will probably just be a local event this year since the average American is not willing to travel that far for a chance to win $1000. Obviously fear is a factor for me.
In the first place, you can play chess in any non-CCA tournament, so “I am not allowed to play chess” is simply false. In the second place, what the World Open TLA says is that provisionally rated players may not win over $4000 in the U1600 section. If you find that oppressive, I have the world’s smallest violin for you to play. Personally, I think it’s obscene that a low-rated player should win that kind of money, but Bill has every right to set up his tournaments any way he wants – just as you have the right not to play if you don’t like it.
If I’m not mistaken I mentioned in my first post that I am out of workl and can’t afford to play the little events in Wisconsin. My rating is established. I could have lied when I renewed my membership (like others do) and start unrated and slaughter everyone from the get go. But I’m an honest man who is being called a liar by dishonest thugs.
I calculated the time and money I could make to play and it could be right when the World Open swings around. I was going to play the Chicago Open but their rules are even dumber than those of the World Open; plus, I can play is the under 1600 section at the WO as opposed to the under 1700 section at the CO and increase my chances for first place. Now is that sandbagging or is that just smart planning?
Thank you for setting me straight as to whom is responsible for this scam on the poor people of America. We simply do not have the time and money to play tournament after tournament. I would like to and plan to do so when things look better, but if I am not allowed to play the World Open after setting my heart on it then I could care less about Chess tournaments altogether. I have the right to chose what tournament I want to play. No one has the right to say, “just play the one we tell you to and establish a rating there.” This is a crime and I know who coming out ahead, and it’s not the winner of the under 1600-1100 sections!!
Seriously. How many games does it take to go beyond an 1100 rating? And just the same, with the under 1600 section. It clear that the winner will be one with less than 26-games played. The ones with natural talent will always win over those who just don’t have it down–common sense. So this is a Casino like scam and I for one am not happy to be insulted. So, I lost two jobs and was replaced by illegal Mexicans. Can I try and redeem myself at the World Open? After all, it’s first place prize is more than the $85 rewards in small Wisconsin tournaments. I really wanted a chance to test my skills against other players of great skill and now, because of the Bush Administration, I cannot play chess or chase the “Pursuit of Happiness” in America because I am supposedly a drug addicted drunk because I’m in striken poverty because of them.
I needed to take a break from all that I do. So far nearly a year now, an unrated friend and I have played and have had alot of fun with it. He wants to play tournaments soon, but I can’t do that until I have the money and the time. Now I feel like I’m living in a prison called America and have no rights to call my own.
You must be a Republican. Thats the kind of attitude you see on Sean Hannity’s forum. “Too bad for the poor, we have to abord you late in life. Here’s a violin to play. You are not worth the prize money. You are a drug addicted drunk who we have decided to abord against your mother’s will.”
This is called “discrimination.” Have you ever heard of that before? It’s highly illegal in America. How you are talking to me right now is a belittling form if it. I am not a sandbagger just because I have had time off. It’s like a person who goes to the same vacation spot every year and then the following year decides to try out a new vacation resort. When he arrives there he’s happy and like the new place better then the old spot. However, he eventually becomes tired of the new place and misses the old. So his heart is set on going back to the original vacation resort. But when he arrives there, he see that the new owners of the place plan on cutting all the beautiful trees down and replacing them with golf courses and Casinos!
Congradulations! The United States Chess Federation has now just become a Casino game. Only those with the money to waste can travel and play. The World Open has a $400 entry fee, expensive hotel cost, plus food expenses etc. From Wisconsin this will come out to be about $1000 in expenses. Now if I win first place–if I win–I can make out with about $1500 when taxes are taken out. I don’t think many people are going to be pleased with this new scam at the Opens.
According to USCF records, you have a rating based on 17 games. If you should have more games than that, such as games played before 1992, please contact Walter Brown or Chuck Lovingood in the USCF office, they can research the printed ratings supplements from the 1980’s.
However, if 17 games is all you have, that is not an ‘established’ rating by USCF rules that have been in effect for many years, it is a ‘provisional’ rating.
It shouldn’t be that hard to find some events with a low entry fee and get the additional games you need to get to 26.
If you feel you can afford the World Open in July, with attendant entry fee, travel and lodging expenses, surely you can afford to play in a few local tournaments in the next month or two.
Actually, I’m an elitist. I believe that reward in chess should be based on merit. If you want to win a big prize, become a good enough player to win the tournament. Shouldn’t take more than 2600 or so. You are correct that five-figure prizes for weak players is gambling, pure and simple. Gambling has its place (preferably Las Vegas or Atlantic City), but that’s not what chess should be about.
(And I wouldn’t advise you to talk about “discrimination” in real gambling spots like Las Vegas. If they spot you counting cards, or even just winning too much, you’ll be escorted to the door.)
I have no games played before 1992. 17-games is what I’ve played and that is where I’m still at. Now I could have the money by the World Open and actually play that. But right now I have nothing. Is that so hard to comprehend? In fact, I liked the Chicago Open better then the smaller tournaments I played before that. I didn’t place but I had a good time overall. So my impressions of the Big Open were good from the start. So why should I spend money I don’t have right now on a tounrament that I can’t play, have no way to get there, when I can play the World Open when I have the money and traveling means to do so. This shouldn’t be too hard to understand. I played the Chicago Open in 1992 and qualified for the first place prize. I would not have played back then if I didn’t have a shop at the first place cash prize!!
In my mind, saving money for a Big tournament is worth the risk of defeat. That is how I’m thinking. Some of us think with different lenes and see things the other way around, but I find it easier to start back up around the time of the W.O. After that I planned on playing more tournaments and had a goal of trying to become the Wisconsin Chess Champ in the future. But all that is history now. I think it is just better to play a friend and not get involved in tournaments and the Chess World altogether. It’s a disappointment when you know that all the people who run the show are rich snobs who think those who play in the under 1600 section are not worth the first place cash reward for their hard earned play.
BTW. This is off topic but nonetheless a reality. Republicans don’t stand a chance in the next election and this is the reason why! It all adds up to the greed of the rich Republicans and how they rub it into the poor through oppression.
Back in 1992 Chess was not like this. People played from all walks of life and endured the games without too much complaining. But now we have these new rules that chose who will win and who will lose, and if you don’t have the time and money to play tounament after tournament…“too bad, here a violin. Go away you filthy poor person. Go snort another line or drink another bottle.”
True. Even having the talent to count cards–that is talent in cards–is a Big No in every Casino! And yes, the new rules seem to favor Joe the happy retard. We would all like to think they could win an Open but that is simply not the case. The weaker players will lose to the stronger ones. Thats how chess is. It’s the World OPEN, not the 26-Games and Over Open. If I can win it’s worth the trip! If I were to play tomorrow I’d probably finish with 5 1/2 wins. Thats why I want to pratice up now so when it comes I can better my chances. It’s worth my time and energy to do so, but not if I have to go there for the chance to compete for a $1500 reward. Though I disagree with the idea that the winner should not take home 2600 when the add says you can win $20,000!
I’ll come clean and provide the other reason…the main reason…I want to play and try to win my section in the World Open. If I can place good enough I can leave this country and move somewhere I can build a better life. I have a chance to meet and possibly marry a truly nice girl in another land. Its a place where the rabidness of relativism doesn’t have full control over the minds of the children. So I know that a child has a chance to live a good life. It’s a chance to better my health, since the U.S. doesn’t care much about my failing health (not to mention all the others suffereing to death from health problems and can’t see a doctor). People say, “If you don’t like it here then move.” Well, I’m trying to take that advice but every door out of this country is locked and no one is allowed to live in the “Pursuit of Happiness” anymore. If I win the $20,000 or second place prize I would do what it takes to leave America in search for a better life. I could do good things with my life that could benefit others if I were not American. I am not a sandbagger and I have just got back into the game not too long ago. My chances are not bad, but much needs to be desired in my game if I want to win all 9-games in a row.
If Bush wants to send me the money to move I won’t ask him for much. He can send me a check and I’ll leave. Bobby Fischer was right. Bush is a criminal and his Administration is twisted. I’m a Christian who knows that his actions are not that of a Christian leader. Now Lincoln; theres a role model. A self-educated man who did things the honest way. He was a man of honor–and honor is out these days. So maybe the World OPEN should allow those who want to leave this slave state a chance to win their way outta here.
I have never imagined the horror of slavery until I realized that I was indeed a slave. My health is failing and I am not even going to get the medical card because I’m a single white male with no kids of my own. I can’t work because the illegal Mexicans are faster and will work for less. I’m an American citizen and I am not even allowed to work a job without…well, read Rev.13:15-18.
Oh, I see what you were saying now. Yes, it’s not the Grandmaster Only Open, it’s the World Open. This means that people from all over the world can play for the cash prizes. The add says that the winners in the under 1600 section can win up to $20,000. Even in the 1100 rated section one can win, I believe, $7000! Now will the winner in that section be the one who played 26-games and over? Absolutely not! The winner in the 1600-1100 sections will be the one with less than 26-games under their belt.
So I agree with your view of tournament play It’s the World Open, and that is a hard tournament from what I hear. If I am allowed to play it I will have to play my best games ever!! I understand this. You can’t win a chess tournament like the World Open and not be somewhat good at the game. It’s a Chess tournament, not a filthy Casino rip.
BTW. I know I’ve been strong spoken. But this is because I’m passionate about what America stood for. Almost every day I risk it all trying to save teenagers from this new occultic addiction thats found its way even into the academical arena. I have no money for research. I have to use the tools that I have and that seems to be working enough. I have done everything I can to contribute to the wealth and goodness this country once stood for. Chess is my vacation away from what I do for free that places me in danger everyday. The propganda flow in this country is enormous, and the teens are hooked. This is dangerous and those of us who understand knowable science and history need to preserve what we can and teach people the truth. But those supposedly on the same side I’m on (“Republicans”) don’t see it in it’s purity. They have become greedy, boastful, and full of self-righteous pride. They only see the role of the rich has good to the country and condemn those of us who are not drug addicts and drunks to death because we are not them. I understand the important role of the rich in thos country, but when that becomes a vice-grip to choke the life out of those stuggling in poverty, they lose all respect they once had given them by the poor who elected them into office. But who are the WE in PEOPLE? It’s the THEM who work our jobs and its greedy Casino like personalities who are now running Chess tournaments–a game I adore.
So as many of you forum members can see, it’s a civil issue, not just a Chess issue. I don’t mean to come here and give you all the tough speech. I never wanted to come here and do this; but I am one who expresses myself when issue lead to discrimination and oppression to the poor and naturally talented Chess players–the winners of the 2007 World OPEN! with over 26-games under their belt. You’ll see the results when it’s over.
Can you find a local chess club or two that you can play at? Many charge little or nothing to attend an play casual games, and many hold events that play a rated game per week, for a nominal charge, like the rating fee and enough to purchase a little trophy. I used to run events like that all the time in my “formative” years. It’s a great way to establish a rating without the time and expense of large weekend tournaments. You may even be able to find some players who would be willing to play rated games with you under the auspices of a local TD thru the club.
Any plan to play in the World Open for the purpose of winning money is dumb, dumb, dumb. To have a chance of winning significant money in a big-money class section, you’d better be at least 300 points under-rated AND have a LOT of tournament experience.
The $4000 limit for provisional players will have no effect on you, since you’ll obviously win much less than that – probably $0.
There is no chess club. The one that we did have only played one day a week and for 2-hours. Why should I have to play for a trophy while everyone else plays for $20,000? Why should I be treated like a monkey or ape when I don’t even believe in evolution? I have every right to play the World Open (or, World Closed to Under 26-Games Open) and give it my best.
You made my point for me! There is a great chance that I could lose and not place at all! So traveling to the World Open from Wisconsin and still losing (with new rules in mind) is not worth the trip! So unless the World Open changes it’s name to the Local Open, or The World Closed to Under 26-Games Open/World 26-Games and Over Open, and also change their add in Chess Life from $20,000 to $3000 (minus total tournament cost and taxes) then I expect to be able to play this July!!
Now your comment about not playing with the first place prize in mine is just plain foolishness. How is going to play the World Open just for the trophy? Come on, now, everyone playing wants a chance on the money. Why travel that far when one can stay home and play for free? Lets face it, it’s a big event and one that everyone wants to be apart of. It’s the World Open–a Chess tournament.
There are many of us who have played a thousand USCF rated games and who have never played in the World Open. The USCF is so much more than one big tournament. And if you go to the World Open expecting that you have to make a profit, then you are the one gambling.
I hate to break it to you, but unless you’re a Grandmaster, then you will NOT make a profit out of playing chess tournaments.