Game Viewr Question

If anyone can help I would very much appreciate it.

I am currently redrafting my organizationl’s website and would like to have a game viewer similar to what has. Can someone help me by providing some information on adding this application one’s website?


I know of two:

  1. Comes with ChessBase. You can output a pgn to HTML+javascript (my favorite) and then incorporate it into your website. Only java is needed for it to run.

  2. DGT. ChessTheatre. There is a stand-alone version, or you can register to create your own blog and use their application from the blog. This is based upon Adobe flash.

Here is a free program

Example from the GPCF web page

It is a very flexiable program that creates web pages from pgn files.

I like the idea you give Terry. I know how to output into HTML, but how Java. I would like the boards to like nice like the USCF ones.

Is this possible?
