I looked around in the rule book for this one and didn’t find an exact answer:
White (30:00 left) vs Black(0:16 left), White plays a move which is mate in 2. White forgets to hit his clock.
After 10 minutes and getting frustrated white tells black it’s his move, but White’s clock is still running.
Black doesn’t say a word and continues to study the position. White gets up and walks around, probably goes to the bathroom. Another 10 minutes pass, white comes back and makes a move (which isn’t his turn), he hits his clock and they start to argue.
I’m making the assumption that since it’s an illegal move, you put 2 minutes back on black’s clock. This is how it happened and Black immediately resigned.
White made I guess an illegal move.
OK, so making that assumption, say each player has 10 seconds left and everything is even. If white makes a move, hits his clock, then makes another move on Black’s time, this would give Black an additional 2 minutes?
At a tournament last fall I had a GM ask me to have his (B-player) opponent remove his headphones because of the ban on using electronic devices during play. Fifteen minutes later the GM was on his phone.
If Black makes a claim, would give two extra minutes for Black. Black did not make a claim, he resigned. If I see a illegal move, I’m not going to do nothing. The illegal move is a touched move, moving two pieces in the same move is still a touched piece. If Black is at the board, and White moves more then one piece – Black has to make a claim.
Lets’ make it more clear, if I watched this whole game. If White moves e4 Bc4 Qf3 Qf7++, before Black makes the first move. If Black does not make a claim, then Black agrees that its’ checkmate. I’m not going to stop Black or White, going to let the result stand.
Obviously, when white arrived back at the board, he thought it was his move, since his clock was running. He didn’t realize that he had forgotten to press his clock, and that it was still black’s move.
OK. White moved illegally and pressed black’s clock, so black is being unfairly deprived of time. (Blacks’ clock is running during an illegal position caused by white.)
Of course. Black had been hoping white would use up his entire 30 minutes, and lose on time, never noticing his omission to press his clock. Once the argument started and black’s clock was adjusted, there was no longer any chance of this happening.
This case could be different. If, as in the first case, white’s extra move was accidental, then 2 minutes would be appropriate. If it was deliberate, a much more serious penalty could be in order, such as forfeiture of the game and ejection from the tournament.