Is there a fee for submitting a tournament report?

I appologize if this has been clearly stated elsewhere, I searched the forum here and the TD affiliate area and did not see it if it is posted.

In my searching, I am lead to believe that as a TD, if I upload the tournament report it is free, correct?

But another person, who was once a tournament aid told me that there was a fee for turning in a tournament report.

In my searches, I see fees for turning in paper reports from many years ago, here in this forum. So I am asking here to seek clarification, as we are getting ready to have our first club tournament.

As a general rule, there is a $0.25 per game rating fee for tournaments submitted online (with a $3 minimum per tournament). A few exceptions exist (such as certain events on National Chess Day) but you are not likely to encounter them often. If rating fees apply, they must be paid before the tournament will be rated. It is possible, however, for a tournament director to submit a rating report and then someone else with affiliate access pays the fees.

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See #8 in the section ‘How do I submit a rating report online’ in the FAQ at:

US Chess Federation.

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Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!