“Just the Rules” for December is now available. TD judgement calls is the headline topic: https://new.uschess.org/news/just-rules-rulebook-judgement-calls/
In the old days, before computer programs, you could pair two annoying players together. Then they could crinkle all of the cellophane they wanted. Of course, you would have to put them on a board away from the other players.
Today, with players liking to listen to music while they play, you often have complaints that the player is rocking, squirming, or dancing in his/her seat.
At one tournament a player complained of his opponent eating pizza and getting grease on his pieces. The smell of the pizza also was complained about as it made other players hungry.
I once faced an (adult) player (an NM) with a runny nose eating a piece of chocolate cake with his hands… not a pretty site. Tim might possibly recall this…