June rating supplement

Mike, I continue to be puzzled as to why you consider it worthwhile to produce both a cumulative and non-cumulative June supplement file. Under what circumstances would one not wish to use the cumulative one? Are you actually concerned about people still using dial-up modems? Even for them, the difference in download time is only a couple of minutes. It seems to me doing it this way is just going to cause confusion, when TDs load the non-cumulative thinking it’s cumulative (as the June list always has been).

Later: I attempted to abbreviate “cumulative” a couple of times without success. I really wish someone would purge that stupid censorware.

John, there are people who use the rating supplement files for purposes other than updating their pairing software’s database. (Personally, I only use the Gold Master for that purpose, because the monthly files, even the 6 month cumulative one for June and the Annual List, don’t have the current expiration dates for everyone, just the players whose rating has changed.)