"The bizarre comments by Vladimir Kramnik attempting to blame me for FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s corruption are, if little else, definitive proof that exceptional chess skill does not represent broader intelligence or moral character. The habit in Vladimir Putin’s Russia of blaming outside influences for all of the regime’s crimes, failures, and blunders appears to be contagious enough to have reached Kramnik at his home in Switzerland.
Like anyone who cares about chess, I was saddened when the United States Treasury Department sanctioned Ilyumzhinov in Nov 2015 for aiding and acting for the brutal Syrian regime of Bashar Assad. It was another blow to the reputation of the game I have devoted my life to, one of many Ilyumzhinov has inflicted. It was also concrete evidence of the long-apparent fact that Ilyumzhinov has turned FIDE into an agent and money-laundering operation for Putin’s KGB state. Ilyumzhinov’s fate doesn’t concern me, but the negative attention he attracts so consistently does great harm to the interests of professional chessplayers as well as to the activities of non-profit foundations like my own that are trying to spread the joys and benefits of the great game of chess". chess-news.ru/en/node/20976
The official Agon press release is below. Interesting reading for what it says about the complete lack of appreciation (or is this just cynical posturing on their part?) for the rule of law including the law if international sanctions based, in significant part, on United Nations resolutions. It would be interesting the the US Justice department started investigating FIDE and it’s business entities like it’s been doing with FIFA.
"This all began last November when FIDE was intending to conclude a major contract of the next World Championship match, - Kramnik goes on. - A couple of months ago, I had a private conversation with a big American businessman who had been one of the initiators of this enterprise. He confirmed to me that the sponsors were ready to support the match - and perhaps even further major chess events in the USA. Then, the sanctions came just a few days before the conclusion. This is quite suspicious, isn’t it? I’d like to emphasize that it’s my personal opinion, and I understand that many people might see it as a kind of "conspiracy theory’, but please believe me - I’m by far not the only one who thinks so.
Besides, what do the accusations have to do with sanctions? If Ilyumzhinov was really involved in trading oil with ISIL, this is a crime. Kirsan Nikolaevich has claimed his readiness to defend himself in an American court, but no one has brought a lawsiut against him. I assume no criminal case will begin because that requires clear evidence. To summarize: if you have clear accusations then go to court, if you don’t have it - there must be no sanctions". chess-news.ru/en/node/20973
Question–Has Kramnik gone over to the dark side. That would likely not bode well for his marriage to the French journalist who is know for investigating corruption.
I’d forgotten that Kramnik’s wife writes primary for the Center-Right Le Figaro. It might make sense that Vlad is looking to move up in FIDE and is anti-Kasparov. Ah, Chess. It’s just a game. lol
I doubt that will happen. FIDE wants the least jurisdictional connection it can get to the US. They and Agon would not like to be working under the nose of the US Justice Department after FIFA.
You may not be aware of it, but during The Troubles there were plans being worked on by FIDE with certain chess personalities and promoters in the US to open a FIDE office in the US. The talk centered on…drum roll…Chicago.
Where can I find an Ofxord dictionary. Can’t find it on Amazon.
I think that the NYC-9/11 proposal was more grand standing than anything. The Troubles discussions regarding Chicago were spearheaded by they who shall not be named and a Chicago chess promoter who shall not be named. Those discussions we far more concrete.