Here is the situation. A strong and weak player are paired together and the game quickly becomes lopsided in the stronger player’s favor. Both players are no longer taking the game seriously, but the weaker player doesn’t resign. They both stop keeping score (although neither of them are in time pressure). As they continue their game they start chatting with each other at a whisper. The TD comes over and reminds them that they must keep score. They keep score for a few moves, and then continue as before. Eventually, the weaker player has only a king, and the stronger player sacrifices all his material except a bishop and knight. Neither player is keeping score, and occasionally they chat at a whisper.
How should a TD handle such a situation?
USCF rules generally require that a TD get involved only if there is a complaint by one of the players. In this case since they’re both not recording it is unlikely that the opponent will complain. I would make an exception if I personally feel that they’re blitzing through the moves is disturbing other players even if none of the other players complain. This is a judgement call on my part.
As for a KNB vs K ending, as both players have plenty of time, I’m not about to count or have a deputy count for the 50-move rule or verify a 3-fold. Not recording has the loss of certain rights.
Assuming the event has a single time control (sudden death), just let the game finish. Nobody needs a scoresheet to win on time in sudden death.
If the event has a finite first control (e.g. 40/120 then SD/60), and it appears one or both players will go past the 120-minute mark, some of the cleverer and more heavy-handed options could come into play.
Bill Smythe