Under my proposal, they still would be. Not only that, but the deterministic algorithm would remain exactly as it is now:
- Is mm+ss at least 30? If so, REGULAR.
- Else, is mm+ss at least 11? If so, QUICK.
- Else, BLITZ.
Let’s call this Part A. It would not change at all.
Now let’s look at Part B, the part that determines whether the time control is ratable to begin with. At present, we have:
- First, determine category, as in Part A. Then:
- REGULAR: Ratable if and only if mm is at least 5.
- QUICK: Ratable if and only mm is at least 5.
- BLITZ: Ratable if and only if mm is at least 3.
This would change only in the specific numbers:
- First, determine category, as in Part A. Then:
- REGULAR: Ratable if and only if mm is at least 25.
- QUICK: Ratable if and only mm is at least 8.
- BLITZ: Ratable if and only if mm is at least 3.
There you go. No increase in complexity.
I hope the same. That’s one reason I dislike those “proportional” ideas, like ss being at most 1/2 or 1/3 or 2/3 of mm.
On top of all the above, I am concerned about the integrity of the regular rating system. At present, the regular system is the shining star of U.S. Chess. By contrast, the other systems (quick and blitz) are largely thought of as “fun” systems, or perhaps even “junk” systems.
In the beginning, there was only one system. Minimum mm was 60, and fastest allowable was 2 minutes per move (e.g. 30/60). Later, fastest allowable was changed to 1.5 minutes per move (e.g. 40/60). Still later, sudden death was introduced, and minimum mm was reduced to 30.
Then, the quick system was introduced, to handle mm < 30. Creating the quick system reduced the political pressure to reduce regular mm still further. Now we even have blitz. Therefore, there is no longer any need to continue speeding up the regular system.
Please, let’s defend the world’s best rating system, and not allow it to become polluted with junk like G/15 d/15 or G/5 d/25.
Bill Smythe