IMHO it got this way, several years ago, through various oversights, misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and possibly even a few dirty tricks here and there.
Not so long ago, a regular-rated tournament was required to have a minimum playing time of at least 30 minutes. Then, when increment and delay came along, and it became legal (temporarily) to cut 5 minutes off the announced main time when a 5-second delay was in effect, the question became, did G/25 d/5 qualify for regular rating? The Delegates eventually said yes, and everybody was under the impression that the main time still had to be at least 25 minutes, and that it could fall short of 30 minutes only by (at most) the number of seconds of delay time.
Unfortunately, rule 5C ended up being stated in such a way that it had the following effect (mm is main time in minutes, ss is increment or delay time in seconds):
- Regular: mm+ss must be at least 30, and mm by itself must be at least 5.
- Quick: mm+ss must be at least 11 and at most 29, and mm by itself must be at least 5.
- Blitz: mm+ss must be at least 5 and at most 10, and mm by itself must be at least 3.
(For simplicity I am combining Dual with Regular, since dual-rated tournaments are just regular-rated tournaments with some additional restrictions.)
Unfortunately, this meant (inadvertently, I hope) that G/20 d/10, or G/15 d/15, or G/10 d/20, or even G/5 d/25, would be classified and rated as Regular (specifically, Dual).
To me, this is ridiculous. The Delegates probably had in mind that a delay (ss) of no more than 5 seconds (regular), 3 seconds (quick) or 2 seconds (blitz) could be counted toward the minimum mm+ss requirement.
Has anybody ever actually run a G/5 d/25 event and submitted it as Regular (Dual)?
Bill Smythe