Need help with old member IDs

Okay. I have someone who is returning to chess after playing 1 game plus maybe a correspondence game as a kid in the early 90’s. He has no idea what his member ID was.

Here are the 2 possibilities I found:

The second one says non-member on the main screen.

Are these probably duplicates? Is there any way to tell? Which one should I renew for him.

This is also interesting, because he wants to register in my upcoming RBO, and he is ineligible if he has a 1216 rating, but is eligible if he only has a U1000 quick (from the first ID).


I can’t tell you much more about those IDs such as birthdates or addresses.

The ‘non-member’ one is someone who was never a USCF member, having played as a non-member in around 1989. (A number that beings with a ‘2’ came from one of the pre-numbered green forms the USCF used between about 1987 and 1996.) That person does have an established rating so he must have played in more than one event, but prior to 1991.

The other one (12579748) is a former member from around 1992. His quick rating is based on 6 games in 1993. He also has a correspondence rating of 1262 based on 4 games.

If that’s not enough to narrow it down, my best suggestion is to contact the office, supplying as much information as you can about this person, such as where he lived back then and his birthdate.