The chess club I started a couple of years ago is maturing to where the local guys are ready for tournament play. I decided to run this tournament at the beginning of the week and have missed the TLA deadline for Chess Life.
Below is the listing and I sure would like to see all of you that can make it come to play. The location is about an hour drive from Midway Airport in Chicago and about an hour drive from most of the other city areas in North Central Illinois.
I am having the prize fund be a whopping 85% of the entry fees. The 15% will go to pay for the affiliate fees of the Illinois Chess Association as well as the USCF. Being an officer of the Peoria chess club, I have run this new club as a subsidiary of the Peoria affiliate.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing all of you come to play chess at my tournament.
Illinois Valley Chess Club’s
Winter Chess Tornado
What: 4 Round, Swiss, G/80 with 5 second delay.
Where: Illinois Valley Community College, 815 N. Orlando Smith Ave, Oglesby, Illinois.
When: Saturday, February 20, 2010. Registration: 9:00 – 9:20. Round times: 9:30, 12:15, 3:00 & 5:45.
Entry Fee: $17 if received by 2/18/10. $20 at the site. $2 discount to ICA members. $2 discount to Illinois Valley Chess Club members. Free entry to players rated 2101 or higher.
Prize Fund: 85% of Entry Fees: 25% 1st, 15% 2nd, 10% A, B, C, D and below. Special 5% upset prize.
Half-point bye available in any 1 round, but a bye in Rd. 4 must be elected before the start of Rd. 3.
Please bring chess sets, boards and clocks with delay feature. The delay feature is mandatory in this tournament.
Advance entries to Ron Suarez, 122 E. Florence St., Oglesby, IL 61348.