In the TD/A, there is the non-rated section.
- How does the non-rated section work?
- Do they need to be current USCF members?
- Is there a rating fee for the non-rated section?
- Would the non-rated section have any record in the MSA?
In the TD/A, there is the non-rated section.
The non-rated section is a workaround to get rid of sections that don’t belong.
When an event is submitted for rating, any ‘non-rated’ sections will be ignored. A non-rated section is not rated, it is not loaded to MSA, it is as if that section did not exist.
Why is this necessary? A surprising number of people upload duplicated sections. There is currently no way to delete a section in an uploaded event (because it involves recoding and rewriting of the entire event), changing a section to non-rated is an alternative to deleting the event and starting over.