Hi fellow USCF members,
Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dennis and I live in Vermont with my lovely wife and 2 children. I run a small chess website called ChessManiac.com
I started the site in 2003 after being a USCF Tournament Director and teaching chess in elementary schools while I was in college. It is a very unique type of site that allows players to create clubs, tournaments, and leagues. There is no game limit and it is all free. If you are a blitz player this is not the site for you. We do not offer blitz. In fact the fastest game we offer is G/30. However, 90% or our members play day per move games. You might be thinking another one of those correspondence chess sites. Well yes and no. It is really hard for me to explain what makes the site unique unless you actually join and are willing to finish the 5 game commitment before you get full access to the site. Yes this is required in order to keep players from starting to many games before they know how the site works. However, if you are willing to play and finish the 5 game commitment and you then are willing to start up about 20-50 games you will begin to see the beauty of the site. That many games you might being asking? Well the average player on ChessManiac.com has about 50-100 games going on at the same time. Some even have 300-400 games. What happens when a player has that many games? Have any of you ever played simultaneous chess? Well what begins to happen is you start to make moves by moving from board to board and by the time you get back to the first board guess what your opponent has moved and you start the cycle all over again. Well guess what? In a way you are playing live chess. But what is cool about this site is you can set your game time to 1-14 days per move. Now if you get to a board where you can sense a combination or sac you can pass and come back to that game later. Or maybe your kids are getting crazy or your wife is yelling “DINNER.” Well you don’t have to ignore your wife or your kids. Don’t worry you won’t time out. You can just eat dinner with your wife and kids and then come back to the games when your kids are a sleep. I have two small children and they are my life. But chess is important too and this Chess Maniac allows you to play and still have a life. So you can still be a Chess Maniac and raise a family have a real job and take time off.
Any way I will be attending the International Chess Festival in Vegas this year. Just look for me I will have a ChessManiac.com sweat shirt and a ChessManiac.com ball cap. I might be attending the Vermont Spring Open. However, my little girl has a dance performance that weekend so no promises yet. Need to talk it over with the wife. But I hope to see you on the site and please say hello to me if you see me at these events.
Oh and I just want to thank my friends at Fortune Granted Travel for making it possible for me to travel to the Vegas International Open. After getting such a great deal from them I encouraged them to put up a special for chess players and they actually did it. Anyway they might do more specials if we visit them and book our travel with them.
If any of you would like to challenge me to a game I am “Dennis” on Chess Maniac