Mike I’m starting a new topic because my questions in the Web Design topic really weren’t on topic or even in the right section.
I was talking about scholastic or juniors purchasing the one day tournament membership. And your last post basically said that they can but it doesn’t make any sense to do so etc.
Warning-I’m going to go long winded here.
First here is the end results of my idea.
gpcf.net/tournamentinfo/july … tional.htm
At our last Peoria Tornado (Which are game 80 4 round regular swisses)
I was unhappy that there was a 5 way tie for class c/d, a three way tie for class a/b, a two way tie for 1st over all. So I started thinking about changing our format. I suggested to fellow club officers we put it on our agenda to maybe change the January Tornado. That would have been the first opportune time to make changes. (That’s another problem if you want to try something out it takes 6 monthes to see how it works then another 6 monthes to adjust to that.)
Anyway at the time I was thinking that in a four round swiss one round is pretty much wasted, you are paired way up or down and the results are pretty much a forgone conclusion. So I started to think of ways to eliminate that game.
Then I was convinced that some players like that game, it is akin to having a paid chess lesson for the lower rated player.
So then I decided to leave our normal format alone.
But for a long time I have been saying that locally one of our major failings has been letting our Novice type tournaments wither away.
So we come to the sectional format idea which I’m sure has been done at some time in the past. Almost everything has.
But in my mind this format solves some problems.
1st The time devoted to a one day tournament is shortened. Enough so that you can extend the individual game’s time controls if you should wish too. In our first experiment with this format we are going to go with game 45, Start at 1 and be done by 6 at least.
2nd I think the major tieage(sp maybe not even a word) will be reduced due to the fact that there will be 8 or 6 player sections. I’ve added a top of the bottom half prize to give those who lose in round 1 a chance for something.
3rd The games should be more competive as far as playing players close to each other in rating.
4th It is a sneaky way of allowing Novice or Beginners a chance to play rated chess with out getting thrown to the wolves and spending a fortune to do so.
(This is actually why I was asking about the $10 adult membership. We are going to run this tournament at a loss. If you look at the prizes $60,$20 for and 8 man section and a $10 dollar entry fee you will see there isn’t anything left over for rating fees. But local TDs will do this for free, we have a free site and we are only advertising via word of mouth. The other expense is we are offering to pay the $10 dollar one day fee for newcomers.
I don’t really expect to be overwhelmed by newcomers. But I wanted to know if I had the option to use the $10 amount on a junior etc if we decided we wanted to. )
5th a tournament like this can be organized on the spur of the moment. Things can be tried and changed very quickly. We can get real feedback.
I know there can be problems with dropouts and we have a plan, but the hope is that since this is a short event most players will play all the games.
The other problem is that everyone must be there at the beginning of play otherwise they won’t be paired in.
We will have one houseman available at the start of the tournament in order to even out the numbers. A possible second houseman to help in handling any dropouts.
If we get dropouts in two different sections we will give each player that is due a bye a full point and offer to let them play each other for ratings only. If we get 3 or an odd number of dropouts that is where the other houseman comes in.
Ok having said all that, if anyone wants to come and play in Peoria and bring a friend that has never played rated chess before you are more than welcome.