In the first two positions, it’s White’s turn. Both sides have made the same (even) number of moves.
[[Added later: One can’t tell which knight moved to which square, or how. But to get from a position in which White has one knight on a black square and one on a white square, White’s knights must have made an even number of moves. Same for Black.
Also, while the knights are away, the rooks can play, but they are limited to jiggling back and forth one square, so by similar logic, one can deduce that each side’s rooks have made an even number of moves.]]
In the position with a missing knight, Black may have made an odd or an even number of moves, depending on where his knight got captured. So it could be either player’s turn.
In the position with the missing rook, the rook may have been captured on its home square, or it may have been captured on g8, so one doesn’t know whether Black has made an even or an odd number of moves, so it could be either player’s turn.
In the position with the missing bishop where Black has not castled, the rook may have moved an even number of times (e.g. zero) or an odd number (e.g. Rh8-g8, Rg8-f8, Rf8-h8), so it could be either player’s turn.
In the position with the missing bishop where Black has castled, Black has played an odd number of moves. and White an even number, so it’s Black’s turn.
NO WAIT – with the knight off the first rank and the bishop gone, Black could have played O-O, then Kh8, then Re8, then Rg8, then Rf8, then Kg8. That’s an even number of moves for those two crustaceans, so it could be White’s turn.