Rating order.

I know variations on this question have been asked previously, but can’t remember the exact discussion.

You have a 6 week long tournament running from 9/10/09 - 10/15/2009. In the same club you have one night tournament on 10/15/09 being run by a different organizer. The organizer for the one day event is super prompt at submitting his results, so the event got rated first. The 6 week long event has not been submitted yet, even though the end day is the same.

My question is am I SOL on my rating change? If the 6 week tournament is rated first I have no change, despite a poor showing because I’m on my floor. I had a good performance tonight and gained 32 points. Will all those hard earned points be wiped out by results from the earlier event that ended the same night?

If it goes in order by ending dates, and within equal ending dates by beginning dates, then you’re in luck.

You’d still have to wait for a re-rate, though.

Come to think of it, how is it you were able to play in two tournaments on the same day – on a Thursday, no less?

Bill Smythe

The sort order is:

SECTION ending date
SECTION beginning date
12 digit EVENT ID
SECTION number

This may or may not be the sort order some would prefer, especially when there are overlapping events, but SOME standard is necessary, and this one seems about as logical as any others.

Note that the section number is assigned by the TD (or by the pairing program used), not by the USCF. Thus if an event has multiple sections that begin and end on the same day (such as morning and afternoon quads), it is up to the TD to put them in the order in which the TD wants them rated. TDs tend to put the open section as section #1.

I didn’t play the last round of the six week tournament. There was a little screw up, and the TD asked me if I was willing to play in the other tournament so that a player with 2.5 points would not get the bye. Since I had 1 draw 3 losses and a bye, it didn’t matter to me. So I said yes, and for a tournament I wasn’t planning to play in, I had a good night. The good tournament has been rated, the bad tournament has not, but will have the same end date.

Since the shorter event is likely to be submitted first, it won’t occur until after a rerate, but the longer event will (eventually) be rated before the shorter one, since both have the same ending date and the longer event started first.

In general, you probably want your bad event rated first, followed by your good event, but I don’t know the extent to which floors would enter into that.

In an extreme case, if the bad event would drop you below your floor, regardless of which event was rated first, then you DEFINITELY want the good event rated second.

I was on my floor going into both events. I went up to 1732 on the one day good event. The 6 week event would definitely put me below, so it would be very annoying to lose all my points on an event that was technically before my good event. I’m patient, I’ll wait for the rerate. Though they need to submit the other event before anything can be fixed. :slight_smile:

If you are reduced to worrying about the order in which events are rated, you need a lower K.

Can I get a “Special K” for my next event? (Haven’t played in a long time rated)!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I don’t think it’s fair to ask someone to pick their K for an event until after the event. After all, they won’t be able to predict accurately how representative their performance in the event will be, but afterwards they will know much better! :smiley: