rating unrated members

what is the quickest way to get unrated members after they join the uscf rated? i know they have to play in tournament games thats over 20games is there a quicker fix?

26, actually. Still, they get provisional ratings as soon as they play their first games. Why do you want to rush the process?

Alex Relyea

So they can play in the Under 1200 Section.

Which tournament are you referring to? For example, the National Open does not allow unrated players in Under Sections. But other tournaments, such as the US Amateur West does.

The date of the tournament is also important, since more than likely the ratings will have to be “official” even if they’re provisional. If you want them in the July Suppliment, they’ll have to play at least 4 rated games and have the tournament rated by this Friday. :exclamation:

When my g/f wanted to up her TD certification from Club to Local she needed to have an established rating (27 games). We ran a series of 6-player, G/30 round-robin events for her to play in. Throw in a 5 round tournament and some house games and she was established within 3 months. If it weren’t for our schedule she could have done it much sooner. I’m sure if your player in mind is committed enough to it, they can be established by the August suppliment without a problem.

  • Enrique

As noted, you have to have 4 or more games by the cutoff date for a list to get a published rating on that list.

With online rated play, I suppose someone could get an established quick rating in a matter of days or possibly even hours.

However, the point of having an established rating to advance to higher TD levels is so that the TD has some experience in how the players experience those events. Playing in online events or even in some arranged small events might not really give that TD a taste of what it’s like to play in a Swiss with 50 or more players in it.