Seeking Chicago Open roommate

Am posting this at the request of Troy Franklin.

Bill Goichberg

My name is Troy Franklin and I am from Maine. I will be attending the Chicago Open on May 22 - 25 (4-day). I am looking to share a room with someone at the hotel where the tournament is being held. I have reserved a room (2 beds) for those days. Cost for all four nights will be approximately $240 per person. If interested, please contact me ASAP at Please put “Chicago Open Roommate” in the heading. I would also be willing to share the room for 3 nights with someone who’s attending the 3-day option.

Another roommate request for the same event…

NM Kristopher Meekins (Ohio) is looking for 1-2 people to share travel costs for the Chicago Open. He’d prefer players of approximately his level or stronger, but ultimately the most important thing is being able to split costs.

If you’re interested, PM me directly, and I’ll get you his contact information.