Something Fishy with the January Suppliment?

It looks like there may be a similar issue to December again with the January Supliment. It is about 5 times larger than the previous ones. When you download it, it has 4 database files in it instead of 1. Once I got it loaded (I think) into SwissSys, it didn’t seem to update everyone.

I will probably start over with a Golden, but maybe someone ought to find out whether or not the file is correct.


There are around 22,147 players in the January Ratings List. That should only take one file since the file changeover point is at 23,900 records.

I’ll have Darrell look at it tomorrow.

Maybe files 2, 3, 4 were left over from December, while only file 1 was replaced with January? Didn’t something like this happen before?

Bill Smythe

A corrected and smaller January file was posted yesterday, and I believe we’ve identified and corrected the source of the confusion, so this should not recur.

Thanks, Mike.