Surprise, Arizona

I am interested in forming a chess club, mainly for the purpose of getting together for weekly games in the northwest valley. While there is a small club already meeting in the Arrowhead area, they play G/30 games, which I am not really interested in playing. I assume there are other chess players in this densely populated area who would enjoy a conveniently located, weekly game. If so, please contact me. I am currently exploring a suitable meeting place. I also envision this club requiring no dues. We can decide if there is to be a small game registration fee which will be completely disbursed as cash prizes. Since I am really interested in getting something started local to me to cut down on my driving time, I will volunteer to do most of the work.

I live in Glendale Az and would like a weekly game. My email is Thank You.

Check out . They have 1 night at a border’s in Glendale already and are adding a 2nd night there. Joel is also looking to start a club in Avondale which should be happening in the near future. They also meet on Sunday’s at the Borders near Paradise Valley mall. The wesbite should have all the current meeting locations and times/dates. From talking to Joel the other day the turnout at PV and Glendale has been very good to the point where they need to expand because it is getting too crowded on the current playing days. So you are sure to find some competition there.

Edit: Just re-read and saw the comment about G/30 @ arrowhead which is probably the glendale club. I don’t know if there is anyplace that runs slower time controls. Valley Chess was running a monthly G/60 tournament in Ahwatukee for a while, but participation wasn’t that great. The Bookman’s club plays G/20, and I think the group that meets in Tempe are primarily playing blitz.

Perhaps Valley Chess would be interested in running a monthly G/60 tournament out in the Glendale area.

That’s correct, they run a G/30 in Glendale, which I referred to as Arrowhead. It’s also a 20 minute drive from Surprise.

Currently, I am playing at Chess Emporium where we play 40/2, SD/1. The games never go that long, but it’s nice to have the time to play tournament length games.

With over 100,000 people in Surprise, which encompasses several retirment communities, I was thinking the area can support a small chess club. I am getting some nibbles, but I have been unable to get in touch with someone I met in a local store who told me there are players in Surprise who are meeting and playing regularly, albeit informally. So much for my memory. I have contacted all local people on for further leads. None could help. So I figured it was high time we had a club in Surprise.