SwissSys 10

SwissSys 10 has just been released ( Thoughts on the new features?


Maybe nobody’s upgrading? Not much need to, nobody’s running a lot of tournaments.

Maybe, but if I was a TD I’d rather upgrade now and play around with it so I know what I can do when I can run tournaments.

What?!? Everyone doesn’t use WinTD? :smiling_imp: Oh, the horror!

While chess is in limbo, now is a good time to read the Rulebook and learn how to make your future venues safer. I have a feeling that entry lists are going to be small enough to only use pairing cards once tournament play comes back. Quads and round robins charts do not require using a computer program to pair.

It might be helpful instead of “bumping” a moribund thread to actually ask a useful question. Do you not have it and are wondering if there’s anything useful? Do you have it and are wondering if there’s anything useful?