USCF Rule 26 (p. 247). States that the TD must have served as Chief TD "… of two additional Cat. D tournaments … which total 50 or more entrants.
Q1. 50 or more entrants Is this a cumulative total of two (2) additional tournaments (i.e. one tournament draws 12 players, the other draws 38 for a cumulative total of 50), or do both tournament have to draw 50 players each, for a total of 100 players? If the latter, can one draw 60 and the other 40, for a total of 100?
Rule 24. Limitations (on a Club TD) seems to contradict this last possibility (one 60, the other 40) since the Club TD should not be the Chief of any event expected to draw more than 50 players.
Q2. Are the required number of players and prize amounts listed throughout Chapter 7, required to be obtained per individual event, or may a number of events be combined to fulfill the total cumulative amount of required attendance/prize fund policies of the TDCC?
Terry Winchester
USCF Rule 26 (p. 247). States that the TD must have served as Chief TD "… of two additional Cat. D tournaments … which total 50 or more entrants.
Q1. 50 or more entrants Is this a cumulative total of two (2) additional tournaments (i.e. one tournament draws 12 players, the other draws 38 for a cumulative total of 50), or do both tournament have to draw 50 players each, for a total of 100 players? If the latter, can one draw 60 and the other 40, for a total of 100?>>
Cumulative of 50. A Category D tournament is defined in paragraph 19 as “drawing fewer than 50 entrants.” If one of them has more than 50, it’s a Category C.
The word “total” means the effect is cumulative. Sum up all three events involved (as in rule 26a) so that they total 50 or more together.
Club TDs sometimes find themselves with 57 players at an event that normally draws less than 50 players. In that case the Club TD can direct the event. The keyword in the rulebook is “expected.”
Prizes for experience requirements are not cumulative. If the prize fund has to be $1000 for an experience requirement then it is for that one event only. By the way that means $1000 in divisible prizes not indivisible prizes like scholarships or trophies.
Tim Just
5th edition rulebook chief editor
Mr. Just,
Welcome to the board!!! Your input is very valuable.
Thanks for the reply,
Terry Winchester
Thanks to John Hillery, also
I’m just beginning my odyssey into club directing and I intend to make local TD. The main club I frequent has been unfortunately dwindling to about 18 players in any given tournament and there are two TDs ahead of me who have yet to make local. There’s a smaller club in town which has more need of TDs in smaller events. Does anyone have knowledge of USCF indulgences for 4 events of 15 players each or 6 events of 10 players each for this requirement?
The problem with any tournament, the organizers and the directors will not know how many players will show up for the event. Looking at past results of tournament, you say around 18 players show up at any given tournament. There is nothing wrong with tournament with 15 - 25 players, even some directors only want that many players in the first place.
You could have 3 events and only have 49 players as a total; or have 2 events with more then 50 players as a total. Even if you do have 3 events and more then 50 players: just hold off from taking the test till you have two years as a club tournament director. The question asking anyone that is a club tournament director: ‘why become a local tournament director other then needing to take the test some time’. Do you plan to have tournaments with more then 50 players, can the area around you support tournaments with more then 50 players?
Douglas M. Forsythe