That’s not true
It isn’t just the normal re-rates. Not that long ago a regular monthly tournament that my son often participates in mistakenly used the prior month’s tournament results when submitting the tournament to USCF. My son played in the prior one, but not the current one, so he had a duplicate entry in his tournament history. Eventually it was fixed, but I think it was almost two weeks before it was corrected. In the meantime he was artificially bumped up to a new class and rating floor as a result.
He even participated in another tournament during that period. I don’t recall offhand if it would’ve been an issue had they been using the unofficial “current” rating, but it is something to think about.

It isn’t just the normal re-rates. Not that long ago a regular monthly tournament that my son often participates in mistakenly used the prior month’s tournament results when submitting the tournament to USCF. My son played in the prior one, but not the current one, so he had a duplicate entry in his tournament history. Eventually it was fixed, but I think it was almost two weeks before it was corrected. In the meantime he was artificially bumped up to a new class and rating floor as a result.
And if a supplement had been created before this was fixed, then using the supplement rating would have been worse to use.

He even participated in another tournament during that period. I don’t recall offhand if it would’ve been an issue had they been using the unofficial “current” rating, but it is something to think about.
In this very rare situation, the rating prior to the duplicate entry can simply be used.

I’m doing a tournament this weekend as well. I don’t use the USCF supplement, but rather a custom supplement that can’t be made until the first of the month (in FIDE-land). I made a special request to have it done ASAP (thanks, Mr. Ballou) and I’m using the current ratings.
I know there are some TDs who don’t like to use the supplements, claiming the excuse of inaccurate ratings for rapidly rising players. I think that the ability of a player entering a tournament in advance having the ability to know what section(s) he can play in, and what class prizes he’ll be eligible for far outweigh this perceived disadvantage.
Alex Relyea
Alex, I think you do have a great point for larger prize fund
events. However, I am fairly sure the vast majority of the
USCF events run simply are not in this category. And for
these local, esp, weekly run events, the benefit for the tournament, the growth of the young players in U sections,
the benefits far outweigh the nominal perceived advantage
of using supplements.
Rob Jones

It isn’t just the normal re-rates. Not that long ago a regular monthly tournament that my son often participates in mistakenly used the prior month’s tournament results when submitting the tournament to USCF. My son played in the prior one, but not the current one, so he had a duplicate entry in his tournament history. Eventually it was fixed, but I think it was almost two weeks before it was corrected. In the meantime he was artificially bumped up to a new class and rating floor as a result.
He even participated in another tournament during that period. I don’t recall offhand if it would’ve been an issue had they been using the unofficial “current” rating, but it is something to think about.
I have known this to happen once. BUT, given when the error
was made in the month, the error might falsely alter the supplement. Thus, sticking with the supplement would in this
case provide even less accurate ratings. The office is FAST,
in getting errors fixed. Like almost immediately the next day.
Of course they have to be notified of the errors by those appropriate for the corrections to take place. If a td is negligent in such corrections, that is another matter entirely.
I have not met many unconcerned TDs.
Rob Jones