
We just received a generous donation of 19 boxes of chess magazines (NIC, Chess Life, Inside Chess, APCT, etc) for the Learning Lounge of the North Shore Chess Center! Thanks to Kevin Bachler (Caveman Chess), for the generous donation!

Our chess club in Monroeville, Pa. wants to thank Leonard Sistek for the generous donation of a bunch of DGT North American chess clocks. These will provide us with the opportunity to expand our tournament program and aid our scholastic players when they compete in major events. He has also given us chess boards and sets in the past year.
I also want to thank the many players, parents, and others who have contributed money to our club so that we can pay our affiliate fees, copy and stationery expenses, and chess league entry fees. The stable base of support has allowed us to grow to almost 80 members.
Last, but not least, our club thanks Borders Books for letting us have fun playing chess in their Cafe since October 2008. Borders has been most gracious and cooperative in helping us to promote chess. It would be a good thing for all if there were Borders Chess Clubs all over the US.

I’d like to say thanks to the Sun family who brought back a historical Chinese themed chess set from their latest trip to China. You can take a look at a couple of pictures we posted on our Facebook page -

Thanks to Bill Brock for donating two boxes worth of New In Chess Magazines to the Learning Lounge at the North Shore Chess Center.

A special thanks to Ms. Victoria (her anon name) for graciously donating the funding to the chess center for having 3 new ceiling lights installed, all light ballasts and bulbs replaced with hi-efficiency and brighter ones, and chrome grids covers for the lights (this to be installed next week). The physical brightness of the chess center has increased significantly as a result. Thank you once again Ms. Victoria!

A special thanks to Jon Neumann for donating over 30 chess books to the Learning Library at the North Shore Chess Center. Slowly we are continuing the growth of our chess collection thanks to the generosity of people like Jon!

Special thanks to Dr. Michael Miller for donating two boxes of chess magazines (when Chess Life was known as Chess Life and Review) and some very old chess books like: the Evans/Smith book on the Fischer vs Spassky World Championships, My Best Games of Chess (Tartakower) which is in descriptive notation, and Tal’s Masterpieces published by Chicago Chess Books and the editor was none other than Illinois’ own Andrews Karklins!

This is long overdue.

A VERY special thanks to Walter Champion who financed the purchase of two DGT Bluetooth electronic chess boards for the MetroWest Chess Club in Natick, MA. We’ve been using them to capture the top two boards every week. The games can be viewed at

-Matt Phelps

Many thanks to Chris Baumgartner who provided over 50 books to the Learning Lounge at the North Shore Chess Center. We’re continually working out way to having a massive chess book library thanks to the generosity of people like Chris.

A big thanks to South Park Kenny…

South Park last year acted as the benefactor for the North Shore Chess Center by providing the funding for our 3 50" plasma TV’s plus the A/V equipment to be able to relay video to them.

This year South Park has provided the funding for a fantastic professional digital camcorder with a package of accessories. The camcorder was ordered today. Once it arrives I’ll take pictures of it and post it on our Facebook Fan Page.

Many thanks again to South Park…

The camcorder arrived today, batteries charging up now and picture can be found here.

Won’t be ready in time to use for tonight’s Chicago Blaze match but it’ll be ready for next week.