Tim Brennan Week


This week I was sick, so it was nice to have other people do most of the work. Thanks to all the contributors!

Paul Anderson

The Newsletter
( cschess.webs.com/apps/blog/entri … ennan-week )

  1. Quick results
  2. East Coast Deli Results
  3. Panera Bread Results
  4. Spring Is Sprung Results
  5. Denver Chess Club’s New Location
  6. Right Move Public Chess Club
  7. Game: Tim Brennan Week ( cschess.webs.com/games.htm )
  8. Post-game commentary by Brian Wall ( youtube.com/watch?v=exGSXjvKej0 )

Upcoming Events

4/20 Quad: rated sections G/30, non-rated G/20, CSCC
4/20,27 Fort Collins Chess Club April G/75 Open, CSCA
4/21,28 2010 April East Coast Deli final rounds, CSCC
4/22,29 Panera Bread Thursday’s final rounds, CSCC
4/22,29 G/75 Swiss Thursdays, RMPCC
4/23-25 Colorado Closed, CSCA

For event details and additional events, see the following websites:

Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC (springschess.org/)
Right Move Public Chess Club: RMPCC (rightmovechess.com)
Denver Chess Club: DCC (denverchess.com)
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (colorado-chess.com/)
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (wyomingchess.com/)
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (kansaschess.org/)
Tim Brennan’s Chess Blog: (timmybx.com)